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My Story

Our team has decades of experience in the bedding industry and we are passionate about helping people sleep better.

In 2022, we decided to develop a premium weighted blanket to offer the Australian public.

After much trial and retrial of various fabrics, materials and manufacturers we now have a premium product to offer Australia.

So, why weighted blankets?

Have you ever felt a tiny pang of anxiety when sitting in a dentist’s chair awaiting your examination? I know I felt that apprehension just prior to having the x-ray that confirmed my root canal procedure. But as the nurse placed the heavy lead apron on my body, all the unease I was feeling seemed to completely subside......Amazing.

This device felt incredible.

And that's exactly how our weighted blankets feel

Our blankets won’t stop radiation, but can certainly start to down-regulate the nervous system, calming the body into a state of total relaxation.  The weight of the blanket hugging the body induces a soothing effect known as deep pressure therapy (DPT).  A restful uninterrupted sleep is essential for our wellbeing and overall health. Research has shown that weighted blankets can assist everyone, including those with insomnia, sleep disturbances, restless legs, sensory processing disorders, PTSD, ADHD/ADD and autism.